I recently spoke with someone about her impending double-lung transplant. During our conversation, she told me she had read my memoir, Breathing in the Unexpected. She shared how the prayers I talked about in my story left an impression on her. She was drawn to the prayers being very specific and not only for overall healing. I have to say, I cherished those particular prayers. Of course, the prayers for the big issue of complete healing mattered, but so did the ones for the minor details.
Do you have friends who will pray for the small things in your life? Those who will pray for more than the overall desired outcome. Friends whose prayers are more than “watch over them” or “be with them as they face this thing or that.” Friends who will get in the weeds with you, like my friends did for me. During my hospital stay, they prayed for issues as minor as someone recognizing I wanted mustard instead of mayonnaise. (The rest of that story is in my book if you’re interested.)
We all have moments when we feel heartbroken, overwhelmed, or uncertain about the future. It’s these moments when the power of prayers from our friends can be a beacon of light, grounding us in the knowledge that we are not alone–even in minor matters.
Let me share five ways friendships and prayer can keep you tethered to a sense of hope and positivity.
- A Sense of Connection:
Having friends who pray for you is like wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket on a chilly day. It warms your soul and makes you feel connected to a sense of love and support that can only come from people who know you intimately. By sharing your worries and dreams with these friends, you’re establishing an unshakable connection that will be a source of strength and comfort for years to come. - The Potential for Change:
Prayer is one of the most potent weapons in our arsenal, and having friends who pray for you means they are joining with you in inviting Jesus into the matter. As your loved ones lift you in prayer, they’re asking for His divine intervention to help you navigate life’s twists and turns. This collective act of prayer can lead to miraculous changes that manifest in both dramatic and subtle ways. - Different Perspectives:
Friendship is all about sharing experiences and learning from one another’s unique perspectives. When these friends also pray for you, it opens a world of new insights and spiritual counsel that you might not have had access to otherwise. By weaving together personal stories with messages of encouragement, these friends can give you a fresh perspective on your struggles, guiding you toward making more informed decisions. - Growth and Discovery:
You have a front-row seat to spiritual growth and discovery in the company of friends who lift you in prayer. These friends might introduce you to spiritual practices that inspire a renewed sense of purpose and ignite a passion for your spiritual journey. With their support and guidance, you can explore new avenues that can lead to a deeper relationship with God. - Peace and Tranquility:
Perhaps the most significant benefit of praying friends is the abiding sense of peace and tranquility that it brings. Knowing that others hold us in their hearts and minds when they pray can help us feel grounded and centered in even the most challenging situations. With the knowledge that we are not alone on our spiritual journey, we can walk forward with hope in our hearts and peace in our souls.
At the heart of our spiritual journeys is an inherent need for connection, support, and guidance. With friends who pray for us, we can experience these things even more.
So, as you walk forward on your path, remember to cherish these connections, knowing that with every prayer sent up on your behalf, you’re enveloped in a warm and loving blanket of hope. If you don’t already have friends who lift you in prayer, search for them. Don’t be afraid to ask someone to pray for you. It’s been my experience that many people want to do just that. But if you’re having difficulty knowing where to start, this blog is the perfect place. I can personally guarantee that if you ask for prayer here, you’ll receive it.

I think of prayer request on Facebook. I see comments of “prayers” or “praying”. I have made those same comments myself. I also wonder how often we never think of them again. Yes there are times I do remember later but so many times, I must confess, I don’t remember unless it is someone I am in contact with quite a bit. At times I stop and pray right then so I don’t forget.
Thanks for this reminder to make extra efforts when we see needs on social media. Praying right away for those requests is great, but it’s also a good idea to have a place to write those requests down to return to them later.
Wise words from a wise woman from a wise God.
It’s a blessing to have you as one of my friends who prays.