Life Update

Life Update

Hello, my dear friends! I’m sorry I’ve been so quiet lately. I’ve had a lot of great things happening. But many of you have reached out asking how I’m doing (thank you for that), so I know it’s time for a life update. Big News! Our...
A Beautiful Love Story

A Beautiful Love Story

When I was in the hospital recovering from my double-lung transplant, God instructed me to write. It wasn’t immediately clear what I was to write, only that I was to write. That’s why I started this blog. But then He told me to write my story, a beautiful...
Escape the Noise

Escape the Noise

In a world full of noise, silence has become uncomfortable. Why is it so difficult to escape the noise? Being still makes us anxious. If there is a moment of quiet, we feel that we must fill it with something, anything to occupy the empty space. My soul, wait in...