
Inspiration for Life: Faith, Strength, and Resilence

God’s Story For Your Life Isn’t Complete

God’s Story For Your Life Isn’t Complete

If there is one thing you can be sure of, your story isn't over. How do I know that? Because you're here reading this blog. You're alive, and that means God's story for your life isn't complete. There is more for you to experience, more encouragement to share. ...

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Lung Transplant Research Support

Lung Transplant Research Support

Lungaversary Every lung transplant recipient remembers the day they received their donated organs. Like a birthday, it is a day for celebration, reflection, and gratitude. A Lungaversary!  John and I are thrilled to support The Lung Transplant Foundation. In...

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Precious Moment Interruptions

Precious Moment Interruptions

I've learned many lessons this year, and one of the most important is to take advantage of precious moment interruptions because they pass quickly. They often arrive unnoticed and may disappear without announcing their departure. Moreover, once the moments are gone,...

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