Inspiration for Life: Faith, Strength, and Resilence
I Lost Control
I've been relatively quiet over the past few months. It's been a time of reflection and regrouping for me. In the past, things that happened a year ago seemed so distant. Time would pass, and I wouldn't give much thought to what had occurred. Life would simply move...
Achieving Complete Life Balance: Part 4 – Physical Balance
Today we're going to be talking about our bodies. Physical balance is the final strategy in our Achieving Complete Life Balance series. I've traveled the road of changing everything regarding health and fitness. I understand how hard it can be and how much...
Achieve Complete Life Balance – Part 3: Work-Life Balance
Do you consider your job to be important? I'm assuming you said yes to that question. You most likely wouldn't be working if it wasn't. Here's a more challenging question. Have you made your work a priority over meaningful relationships and self-care? I realize...
Achieve Complete Life Balance – Part 2: Relationship Balance
As we discussed in Part 1 of this series, spiritual balance and our relationships with God should take priority over every other relationship. That doesn't mean we can overlook the importance of balance in our relationship with others. In addition to our...
Achieve Complete Life Balance – Part 1: Spiritual Balance
Have you ever felt as if your walking on life's tightrope? As if the slightest gentle breeze could cause you to fall. Sometimes it feels as if life itself is sucking the life out of you instead of filling you with joy and gratefulness. You give until you can't give...
Striving to be The Best
Are you striving to be the best: the best employee, the best parent, the best student, the best ______? You fill in the blank. We all have areas in our lives that we want to be the best. But is striving to be the best what we should want? Go Big or Go Home I...
God Winks: That Was a God Thing
When was the last time you experienced a "God wink"? A special moment that touches your heart when you needed a boost of reassurance. It might've been unsolicited encouragement from a friend, confirmation from a stranger, or a song that brings back a special memory...
Matter of Perspective
If you line up perfectly, you can hold the sun between your fingers. Most of us have done it. It makes a great picture! The reality of this phenomenon is all a matter of perspective. When seeing the sun from our perspective here on earth, it appears smaller than...
Shut Up and Reboot: Brilliant Advice From a Comic Strip
I realize "shut up and reboot" sounds harsh but let me explain. Many years ago, I was the go-to computer person in the office where I worked. I ran across a Dilbert comic strip that became a running joke with my co-workers. In addition, it became a valuable...
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