Inspiration for Life: Faith, Strength, and Resilence
I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
During a deep bought of depression in 1950, Ira Stanphill wrote the hymn “I Know Who Holds Tomorrow.” The lyrics of this hymn include these words: Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand. But I know who holds tomorrow, and I know who holds my...
Announcing “Breathing in the Unexpected”: Join Our Launch Team and Share the Journey!
Hello, dear readers! I have some exciting news to share with you today. After many months of hard work, hours recalling past events, and countless prayers, I am thrilled to announce that my new book, "Breathing in the Unexpected," is on its way! This project has been...
Living a Selfless Life: Finding Balance Between Serving Others and Caring for Ourselves
In today's society, it is easy to fall into the trap of being told we should only care about ourselves. We are often bombarded with messages that encourage us to prioritize our own needs and desires and focus on our own happiness above all else. However, the Bible...
Slow Down, Make Life Count
So many times, I've hurried through life. Rushing from one place to the next, checking off errands, getting things done, then bragging about my accomplishments at the end of the day. I wonder how much I've missed by having this approach to life. What could I have...
Stop Hiding
As I sat in church, God whispered, "Stop hiding." About a month or so ago, I intentionally backed away from social media. Posting felt pointless. Honestly, who truly cares about my daily activities or my deep thought of the day? I'm not that interesting. My life isn't...
Life Update
Hello, my dear friends! I'm sorry I've been so quiet lately. I've had a lot of great things happening. But many of you have reached out asking how I'm doing (thank you for that), so I know it's time for a life update. Big News! Our daughter, Lauren, got engaged in...
5 Practical Ways to Practice Gratitude
Imagine this: Something great happens, I mean really great, and you're so thrilled by it that you can't contain your gratitude. Then time passes, and your thankfulness wanes. More time passes, and you either completely forget about what took place or maybe even begin...
Assumptions Are Not Based On Promises
Am I the only one who often assumes things will be a certain way just because I want them to be? Or my assumptions may come from what I've been told is a fact, and I believe it. Assumptions are, by definition, things accepted as true or as sure to happen without...
A Beautiful Love Story
When I was in the hospital recovering from my double-lung transplant, God instructed me to write. It wasn't immediately clear what I was to write, only that I was to write. That's why I started this blog. But then He told me to write my story, a beautiful love story....
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