
Inspiration for Life: Faith, Strength, and Resilence

I Know Who Holds Tomorrow

I Know Who Holds Tomorrow

During a deep bought of depression in 1950, Ira Stanphill wrote the hymn “I Know Who Holds Tomorrow.”  The lyrics of this hymn include these words: Many things about tomorrow, I don't seem to understand. But I know who holds tomorrow, and I know who holds my...

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Stop Hiding

Stop Hiding

As I sat in church, God whispered, "Stop hiding." About a month or so ago, I intentionally backed away from social media. Posting felt pointless. Honestly, who truly cares about my daily activities or my deep thought of the day? I'm not that interesting. My life isn't...

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Life Update

Life Update

Hello, my dear friends! I'm sorry I've been so quiet lately. I've had a lot of great things happening. But many of you have reached out asking how I'm doing (thank you for that), so I know it's time for a life update. Big News! Our daughter, Lauren, got engaged in...

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A Beautiful Love Story

A Beautiful Love Story

When I was in the hospital recovering from my double-lung transplant, God instructed me to write. It wasn't immediately clear what I was to write, only that I was to write. That's why I started this blog. But then He told me to write my story, a beautiful love story....

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