62 Creative Things To Do With Family

62 Creative Things To Do With Family

2020 has left us with many challenges and unfortunate changes, but there have been some positive aspects to this year’s quarantine, as well. It’s brought families together in ways we haven’t seen in decades. We’ve spent more time together, and...
3 Simple Steps to Start a Family Bible Study

3 Simple Steps to Start a Family Bible Study

When my daughters were little, we were always on the go. It was all I could do to keep up. I wasn’t the type of parent who created perfectly laid out plans for family time. Honestly, I was quite the opposite. I’d fly by the seat of pants and hope I’d...
Kitchen Rescue How To

Kitchen Rescue How To

To get the body you want, the environment you live in is vital. You have to be sure you are surrounding yourself with the things that will help you be successful.What is a Kitchen Rescue and why is it important?Everyone loves a makeover. Something about a makeover is...