Love Your Body But Don’t Settle

Love Your Body But Don’t Settle

Over the past several years, we have begun outwardly embracing our bodies more than we have in the past several decades. Campaigns and advertisements are encouraging us to accept ourselves just as we are. On the other side, magazine covers and commercials often...
Choosing Faith Over Fear

Choosing Faith Over Fear

We all know life is full of ups and downs. There are those breathtaking moments like the birth of children, the first time seeing the Grand Canyon, or an exciting new job offer. Other moments take our breath away. The ones that lead us to our wits’ end where we...
Feed Your Faith with Bible Study

Feed Your Faith with Bible Study

I’m going to be completely honest with you. Studying the Bible has been sporadic in my life, at best. I always have good intentions, and when I commit to reading the Word, God never fails to share something sweet with me. Quite frankly, those times in my life...