When my daughters were little, we were always on the go. It was all I could do to keep up. I wasn’t the type of parent who created perfectly laid out plans for family time. Honestly, I was quite the opposite. I’d fly by the seat of pants and hope I’d have the energy at the end of the day to say a good-night prayer and give a quick kiss on the cheek.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d attempt to put together a family Bible study every now and then, but it never seemed to stick. However, I took my kids to church every Sunday from the time when they infants and often prayed with and over them. They memorized Bible verses in our church’s Awana program. <==Best program ever, by the way! They didn’t lack hearing and studying the Word, and because of the grace of God and the devotion of a village of Christian leaders in their lives, they both accepted Jesus as their Savior at the ripe old ages of six and five. I met my husband when my girls were nine and six. Our family was now complete with a Godly family leader. Praying together happened more often, and attending church became even sweeter. Still, looking back, I wish we would have made more time as a family talking about what the girls were learning from the Bible and praying together as they grew older. I’m happy to report they each have grown into beautiful young women who love the Lord despite not spending a lot of time in guided family studies.
Knowing what I do now, I believe I can help you make family Bible study a reality in your home without everyone stressing out completely. You might ask: How will you ever carve out 30 minutes for a family Bible study? Not to mention the time it will take to put together a perfect plan with daily verses and a beautifully laid out “Pinterest worthy” calendar.
Hold on to your stickers and colored pencils. I’m about to share some mind-blowing information with you. It doesn’t have to be that complicated. In fact, starting a family Bible study can be a simple process.
1 Choose a Verse
Choose one verse a week for your family members to memorize. Have them decide how they would like to be reminded to read this verse. They might write it on a sticky note and hang it on their bathroom mirror. Or maybe add it to their smart device and have it pop up several times a day. It’s entirely up to them. Furthermore, this will save you from having to break out your glue and glitter.
Be sure to select a verse that is age-appropriate. You probably don’t want to jump into Leviticus with your four-year-old. Conversely, don’t underestimate your teen’s ability to understand more challenging verses. I find the Psalms to be a great place for everyone to start.
2 Pick a Time
Decide on a time when you’ll be together. It also doesn’t have to be every day, and it can be brief, if necessary. Five minutes should do the trick. This time might be in the morning while having breakfast or packing lunches or maybe in the evening before going to bed.
3 Recite and Pray
During the time you chose in step two, recite your verse together, ask how you can pray for one another until you come together again, and close your time thanking God for His Living Word and how it will guide you and your family.
1-2-3… Family Bible Study has begun!
As time passes, your time together will grow more precious. You’ll begin to talk in-depth about the things you have been praying about for each other. You’ll be getting and giving updates on how God responded to every prayer. The verses you select will get longer and more meaningful, leading to growing excitement about the Word.
When you’re ready to take your family Bible study to the next level, many study books are available. Pray about where God will lead you. He’s always ready to show you more!